I spent a good hour on this site and still have no idea what it is for. All I could work out is that I am apparently a newfag and cannot triforce but am unsure as to why I would need to triforce in the first place. I asked some of the people on there for their advice regarding triforcing but the only answer I seemed to get was 'nigger'.
Gleiches gilt für Mädchen. Auch hier trifft die Einschätzung ins Schwarze.
"You can't trust girls. When I get a girlfriend I am not going to tell her where I live or work."
Gute Idee für eine Website gesucht? Here you go. Kann man ein Konto mit einer Spinne ausgleichen? Nö, aber Versuch war's wert. Last but by no means least: Die Sache mit der Graphik.